Start Out Small and Have Them Look for the Golf Ball

Golf is a difficult sport to learn, it takes focus and coordination just to makeIMG_6706 contact and actually get the ball to take flight. It also tends to be a bit difficult to teach kids golf because it takes patience and they are not going to see immediate results.

Are you itching to get out on the golf course with your kids? Then here are a few tips that I have taken from my Dad (who taught me).

1. Start by having  your son or daughter look for golf balls. They can search through the weeds, or by the ponds while you are taking your next shot. Now make sure you watch for poison ivy, and let’s be careful around bodies of water. Also make sure that your son or daughter remains behind you when you are hitting the ball (yes I know you are an expert, but even the best mess up sometimes).

When my Dad took me at around 5 or 6 I spent the whole round searching for golf balls. It was a win win, I had fun, my Dad got to play nine holes and we came out with 5-10 golf balls each round. Eventually I became more interested in the game by just being out on the course and wanted to start learning.

2. Please do not bring your kid out to the course during the busy hours. This will tick the regulars off and nobody is going to have any fun. It’s very difficult to teach someone when you have a foursome breathing down your neck. Take your son or daughter out during the evening hours, or when you know the course is going to be less busy. By doing this you can take the time to hit an extra few shots and actually have some teaching moments.

3. Five iron and a putter. That is all you need to start your son and daughter out with. Don’t go all out and buy them a pitching wedge, sand wedge and seven wood. They don’t need to have Tiger Woods arsenal of clubs at age 8. My Dad taught me with these two clubs. I hit the crap out of a five iron for a good few years. Make sure they get their swing and mechanics down first, then you can move up in clubs.

4. Drive the golf cart! My Dad and I walked the course most of the time but every now and then we got a golf cart (usually when my mom came along). A side note about my mom: she doesn’t hit out of sand traps so if you ever play with her don’t be surprised when she throws the ball out of the trap and moves on :). Back to my point, what kid doesn’t love to drive a golf cart! Disclaimer – I have no idea how old you need to actually be to drive a cart so make sure you check the course rules first.

This is how I learned to play the awesome game of golf. Check back in for more tips and life lessons at Mother and Son Sports!

by Stacey Atkinson


  1. d, atkinson says:

    I know he can out play me already, keep up the good work.

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