Call me a sucker, a romantic, someone that loves a happy ending……………..all would be true. Lebron and his move back to Cleveland has definitely captured my attention and this
is one lady that will be routing for the Cavs this fall.
We live in a cynacle word and too often look for any reason to berate people for following their heart. Should Lebron have ever left Cleveland? Maybe not. Do people grow up, are they allowed to change their minds? The answer is yes, unless of course you are in the spotlight 24/7 and have every move you make constantly analyzed and criticized.
The average person has the freedom to make difficult and sometimes bad decisions on a daily basis, so who are we to criticize Lebron for his? Do I know him personally? No. Does it seem like his heart is in the right place? Yes. Is he being authentic about helping his hometown? Sure seems like it to me!
Regardless of how you feel about Lebron you can’t deny the fact that the move he just made is unprecedented and puts him as an all time great in my book. The Cavs a lot of work to do and in terms of winning Championships Lebron may have made a horrible move. In terms of setting a great example on how to go through life Lebron made a wonderful move. Sometimes it’s not about the trophies, the glory, being on top. It’s about what makes you happy, doing the right thing, and achieving a legacy on a different level………a morality level.
Kudos to Lebron for following his heart, coming back to his home and doing something real.
by Stacy Atkinson