The Goal: 32 Teams & 32 Stadiums

In 2013 Kaden, Crystal and I came up with the dream and goal of going to all of the NFL stadiums in our lifetime. All three of us love football, and we know it will create lasting memories for Kaden.

We started out with an easy one in 2013 with the Detroit Lions vs. the Chicago Bears. Helpful Hint: If you are going to Ford Field you need to arrive the night before or at the break of dawn! There is only one exit to get to the field. Major traffic jam!






We arrived at the Field late, but all was well after and we had a great time! The Lions won so Kaden and I were happy, Crystal not so much!



In 2014 we traveled down to Indianapolis for the Colts and Ravens. Indianapolis is a great town and very easy to navigate! The stadium was amazing, but it goes very high up! If you have a fear of heights don’t sit in the cheap seats!

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The Colts prevailed that day, and we had another year in the books!



Looking forward to 2015 and our next stadium!

by Stacey Atkinson

2014 – 15 Flag Football

For the last three years Kaden has played flag football at the local Soccer Zone. Team Platinum Jr. is the name of the team.  Each year he has improved and now they have a core team together.

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It has been a lot of fun watching these kids grow and improve on their games. They have gone from struggling to pull flags and only running options to great defense and a passing game.



These kids are having a great time, but each are dedicated and learning the game. Pads can come later. I am a firm believer that you need to have a full grasp of the game before you put the pads and helmet on. If you can’t grab a flag do you really think you will be able to tackle a guy in full on gear? Small steps lead to big accomplishments.




Learning the game, improving upon skills, making memories, and friendship is what it’s about in youth sports. Or at least what it should be about. Go Team Platinum Jr.,, here is to another great season ahead!

by Stacey Atkinson

To The Top

Making it to the TOP is never easy!! If it was everyone would do it! #nevergiveup














































In case you didn’t gather, he did make it to the TOP!!!!

Stacey Atkinson

Upward Basketball 2015

After struggling to find a basketball league for the last few years we came across Upward 17891_10203701952255618_4573127617500947665_nBasketball and were very happy with the results! We had a few concerns as we don’t attend Church and see ourselves as more Spiritual than religious. The Upward basketball league is run by the Church and does promote religion and Christ but we found that basketball was the main focus and did not feel “pushed” into worshiping.

Overall the league was well organized, practices were held weekly and each player received a nice jersey. All of the Coaches were friendly and were genuinely interested in teaching the game.

Although it was difficult to push our ideologies behind we put ourselves out there and had confidence that all would be ok :).

Kaden had a great season and had a personal best of 12 points in one game! He improved dramatically in one year and has great potential! He loves to pass and has a great understanding of the game and team play. He has a knack for defense and seems to be one of those players always in the right spot at the right time!

Stacey Atkinson


Tigers 2014

Catching up on 2014! Really love these photo’s below. Nothing better than being a kid and going to the ballpark for your first game

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