The Hot Dog Stand

Am I the only one that thinks hot dogs taste so much better at sporting events then at home? I hardly ever crave a hot dog at home. I rarely say to myself, mmmmmmmmm a hot dog will really hit the spot for dinner tonight. This is at home behavior,  put me at a tee-ball game, or Notre Dame Basketball game and all bets are off! A hot dog is the best thing since sliced bread and I must have one. Even the mustard and pickle relish taste better ! I try to resist the temptation, I count the calories in my head, I tell myself, “you are going to regret eating this when you step on the scale”, but in the end the Hot Dog  always wins :). Why is that, and have you had this happen to you? Tell me about the best hot dog experience you have ever had. Mine? Every time I eat a hog dog at a sporting event!



NBA’s Top Ten Selling Jerseys, 2013

Check out the NBA’s list of top selling jersey’s for 2013. Carmelo Anthony beats out Lebron James!!

Top 10 Most Popular NBA Jerseys

1. Carmelo Anthony, New York Knicks

2. Lebron James, Miami Heat

3. Kevin Durant, Oklahoma City Thunder

4. Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers

5. Derrick Rose, Chicago Bulls

6. Deron Williams, Brooklyn Nets

7. Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat

8. Rajon Rondo, Boston Celtics

9. Chris Paul, Los Angeles Clippers

10. Blake Griffin, Los Angeles Clippers

My favorite team right now? The Los Angeles Clippers. How about you?

Thank You Mr. Elmer

Mr. Elmer was my fifth grade teacher and probably one of the first people that I really looked up to. He drove a yellow volkswagon bug, traveled during the summer, took his class to Mackinaw Island every year, and was just an all around cool guy. He also played football with us at recess, giving up his own time to chuck the ball around to a bunch of fourth and fifth grader’s. Per usual, I was the only girl that was playing football at recess, but that didn’t phase Mr. Elmer, he still let me play and he still threw it to me. That was huge for my confidence and I will always be grateful that I was allowed to play football with the boys, and Mr. Elmer. I have no idea if any former students have every thanked him for playing football with us at recess ( I am sure some have) so on behalf of all of us I would like to extend the thanks. Thank you Mr. Elmer and all teachers that go above and beyond for their students on a daily basis. You are needed and you are appreciated!


My Favorite Quarterback

Matthew Stafford is my favorite quarterback. He plays for the Detroit Lions. I think he likes to throw the ball to Calvin Johnson. I think he likes how Calvin catches the ball. Matthew likes to play for the Detroit Lions. Their season was pretty good in 2012. I hope their record this year is 13-2. I hope Matthew stays on the Lions forever! He is good for the Lions.

Kaden Atkinson, age 7

Shoot In Your Range

As I was watching my seven year old son’s basketball practice the other night I got the privilege of watching a bunch of seven and eight your olds “practice” chucking it up from the three point line. What’s wrong with the kids having a little fun and shooting three pointers you say? Everything! I know, I know, grouchy sports mom here, being over critical about what seven and eight year olds are doing on the court. I can hear you saying “they are just having fun out there, and that’s what it’s all about :)”. Ok, I totally understand all of the above arguments, but let me make my point and then we can get back to watching our kids shoot threes. In order to better develop their skills your kids really need to be shooting in their range. Shooting from the three point line when they are not ready will not make them better. It takes enough strength to get it up to the basket as is and shooting out of your range makes it easy to develop bad habits leading to bad shooting form. Start close to the basket and let your kids work their way out to the three point line gradually. I don’t let my son shoot any farther then the free throw line and that’s pushing it (yes he is allowed to shoot a three pointer every now and then). Good form is developed with a lot of practice and shooting the ball within your range. Three pointers are great, but you have to be able to make them to get the points!

Check back in for more tips about shooting in your range.