The Jumbotron is fast becoming the most important side show at major sporting
events around the world. Admit it, sometimes you find yourself watching the Jumbotron more then the game itself. If it is your dream (or your kids dream) to see yourself on a 33 feet tall by 110 feet wide display follow these five tips.
1. DANCE– Pumping your fists in the air, or doing a little side to side shuffle won’t cut it. You need to be out of your chair and in full dancing mode. The crazier, the better. Try the running man, or better yet the sprinkler, old time dance moves are also popular. Be careful not to spill your neighbors popcorn when attempting these moves.
2. SIGNS – Making a sign is very traditional but it still works. Get the card board out, think of a great saying, and put your sign up! The more funny the better, but remember, inappropriate comments will most likely not make it on the Jumbotron.
3. COSTUMES – Wearing a costume is a sure way to get maximum exposure on the Jumbotron. Dress up like a duck or a bear and you are golden! If a costume is a little too much for you than just wear a funny hat. I once saw a guy wear a Luigi hat to a game and he was on at least 15 times!
4. KISS – No, this is not the acronym for Keep It Simple Stupid, you are actually going to have to Kiss. The Kiss Cam is still popular at most sporting events so bring your partner and don’t be afraid of a little PDA (Public Display of Affection).
5. DON’T PAY ATTENTION – The Jumbotron wizards sometimes like to focus on the person or couple not paying attention and see how long it takes them to notice. This one is tricky because you will actually be paying attention but you will have to make it look like you are not. A few acting classes may be beneficial before you try this one out :).
Following one or more of these tips above will greatly increase your chances of getting on the Jumbrtron, and completely embarrassing your significant other or even better your kids :). So next time you attend a sporting event, dance it up, make a sign, wear a hat, and maybe watch a little bit of the actual game!
by Stacey Atkinson