3rd Time Luck

On Sunday the Indianapolis Colts faced the Tennessee Titan’s and prior to that match up the Colt’s got off to a terrible start. They started the season 0-2.

Along with a terrible start for the Colts came a terrible start for Andrew Luck. If you had him has your fantasy quarterback for the first two games you were not a happy camper.

But as they say, the 3rd time’s a charm and this held true for the Colts. They beat the Titans 35-33. Andrew Luck has some “smoke” on his passes and he played very well.

The Titans thought they had a chance against the Colts but they came to play!

by Kaden Atkinson, age 9

Lions Lose Opener

A rough opener for the Lions as they lost to the San Diego Chargers in Sundays game.

I am officially 0 for 1 in my predictions. The Lions looked great in the first half, but really struggled in the second half.

High points of the game were the Lions rookie running back Ameer Abdullahwho had some great runs.

Low point of the game was simply the horrid second half, and where is Calvin Johnson?I am starting to get a little concerned that his best days are behind him!

Overall The Lions have quite a few improvements to make but I am still hopeful for a good season.

Go Lions!

By Kaden Atkinson, age 9

Summer Slam: The Beast vs. Phenom

The Beast, Brock Lesnar is taking on the Phenom, the Undertaker at Summer Slam. This will be one of the greatest matches ever and it’s coming up in less than a week!

This clash started at Wrestlemania when the Undertaker and Lesnar faced off. At the time the Undertaker was 21-0 and on a streak. Lesnar had just beaten Cena  and was the current WWE World Champion.

This match didn’t disappoint but Lesnar crushed the Undertaker  with Suplex City. The streak was over and Lesnar was dominating!

Fast forward to Wrestlemania 31, The Undertaker and Lesnar both participate but not against each other. The Undertaker regained his dominance with a win over Bray Wyatt. Bringing out some of his best moves, and my favorite The Tombstone!

Lesnar the reigning champ faced off against Roman Reigns and was surprised by sneaky Seth Rollins pulling out the Money in the Bank. The night ended with Rollins as the new champ, the Undertaker starting a new streak and a very angry Brock Lesnar!

Drama has ensued over the last six months with it all coming to a head at Battleground. Rollins and Lesnar were again fighting for the Title when all heck broke lose. Lesnar had just F5ed Rollins and was going for the pin when………………Dong, Dong, Dong, the Undertakers theme song.

In comes the Undertaker, putting his cold “dead” hands on Lesnars neck and going for the choke slam! Then he did a devastating tombstone followed by another! Finally he went to his knees and sent the classic Undertaker message.

All of this and now we are finally on to Summer Slam. The Undertaker vs. Lesnar. My pick is for the Undertaker, he has the best finishers and signature moves, the chokeslam, tombstone and hell’s gate! That beats Suplex City and F5 any day in my book!

Who do you think has the upper edge Undertaker or Lesnar?

by Kaden Atkinson, age 9

Just Golf

At the age of 8 my Dad started to teach me the game of golf. A five iron and a putter was all he started me out with and I played that way for years. Him and I in our shorts and mismatched T-shirts out on the course.received_10206949237591569

We didn’t have our Nike clubs, with our perfectly coordinated outfits and we didn’t spend 15 minutes lining up a put like we were on the pro tour. Just a Dad and his daughter enjoying the outdoors and a game my Dad loves.

At age 38 I continue to play the game on and off and the amount of arrogance and entitlement on the course never ceases to amaze me.received_10206949235951528

Most people on the course care much more about their image then if they can actually hit a ball off the tee. Dressed to the nines but can’t hit a straight shot off the tee. Walking around the green for 20 minutes lining up a put. Complaining if the greens are not the perfect trim and cut.

While $500 clubs and accessories are nice it’s doesn’t make the game of golf. As my Dad taught me; to be good at this game you have to practice, practice, practice. Each shot you have to clear your head and one bad hole can ruin the entire score. Money can’t buy you a par and at the end of the day that’s the beauty of golf. You can’t buy yourself a great shot, and you can’t buy the feeling you get from being outside, being in nature, and competing against yourself.

Your sole may be for sale but golf is not.

by Stacey Atkinson


A Tribute To A Hero

July 31st, 2015 was a pretty bittersweet day for me. I was seeing one of my idols, and heroes, Paul McCartney, for the first time live in concert. It also marked the passing of my true childhood hero, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. They say, you should never meet your heroes, because they often don’t live up to you think they are. And most of the time that is probably true, but here’s my story of meeting my childhood hero.received_10207178444961610
So, in 1985 my family got our first VCR. While back then movies were still pretty expensive, I received Ghostbusters, and a Transformers cartoon VHS tape. Plus, and most importantly, we signed up for a membership at a locally run movie rental store. I will never forget going in there for the first time, and seeing the thousands of videos lining the walls, and in all the aisles, and the first aisle I went to was the “sports and recreation” aisle to look for any pro wrestling tapes. I really wanted to watch the first WrestleMania tape, which had just happened a few months earlier where Hulk Hogan and Mr. T faced off again Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. I had seen bits and pieces of this feud leading up to WrestleMania, but in the days before the Internet, I had no idea who won, who lost or what happened. Much to my dismay, the tape was already rented. So, as I looked around some more I saw another tape that caught my eye, “’Rowdy’ Roddy Piper’s Greatest Hits.” He has his own tape? And it wasn’t checked out? Sweet! So this tape was the very first tape I ever rented. I was so excited to watch it when I got home! I popped it in, and to this day, I haven’t been more entertained by any other movie or show. And on that day, I became the biggest Roddy Piper fan.received_10207178445001611 (1)
In fact, I re-rented this particular tape so much that when I would go into the store they knew exactly what tape I going to get. I rented it so much, and I knew every inch of the box that it came in. The corners were bent, and the cover insert were frayed from me renting it so much, there was a peeled off sticker residue on the cover, there was an inventory number (I guess?) written in silver ink on the tape itself. Alas, after the bigger box chain movie rental stores started popping up around town they ran the smaller, locally owned ones out of business. One day I rode my bike to this store, eagerly anticipating watching my favorite tape, and the store was closed. No warning, no “Going out of business” sale, just closed. I was pretty bummed. Not because they were out of business, but that I couldn’t watch my Roddy Piper tape anymore.

Fast-forward to the 90’s. Another locally owned video rental store opened up at a local shopping center right by my house, but by this time in my life when I rented movies I went where everyone else went, Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. I barely stepped into anything “local” anymore. Well, this new store didn’t last too long, and I noticed they were going out business, but unlike the previous store, they were selling their tapes off. So I went in one day, and most of the selection was picked over, but I saw a few wrestling tapes that were for sale, and then I saw it. The exact same copy of “Rowdy Roddy Piper’s Greatest Hits” that I rented so many times as a kid. The same bent corner, the same frayed insert, the same sticker residue on the cover, the same, albeit faded, silver inventory info written in silver ink on the tape. This was MY tape! I quickly snatched it up and purchased it there on the spot for $10. I got home popped it in, and relived my childhood in those 90min. I’ve held on to this tape through the many moves in my life. It’s always the one VHS tape proudly displayed among all my DVD’s. received_10207178444921609

So, fast-forward again to 2012. I see Roddy Piper is going to be a guest at Wizard World in Chicago. It’s the comic-con I go to almost every year. I’m so excited that I might get to meet my childhood hero, but I kept that saying of “never meet your heroes” in the back of my mind. I bring my VHS copy of “Rowdy Roddy Piper’s Greatest Hits” tape with me to get signed. I get there and there are hundreds of people in his line. It’s wrapped around the corner of the convention center. Finally, I get up there, and he sees the tape I hand him, and a giant smile comes across his face, and he says, “I haven’t seen one of these in a long, long time.” He then tells me a story about shooting one of the videos that’s on this tape, and I proceed to tell him how much this tape meant to me as a kid, and the story of getting the tape, and even though he’s signed and talked to hundreds, if not thousands, of people this day, he made me feel like it was just he and I talking, and he seemed so touched by my story. He made me feel like I was 10 again. He was so kind and considerate, and while it’s true, it might not be a good idea to meet your childhood heroes (Bill Cosby, and Hulk Hogan), I’m glad mine turned out to be the exception, and I will forever more have a working a VCR in my house just so I can pop in “Rowdy Roddy Piper’s Greatest Hits” whenever I want. Thank you, Roddy. RIP Hot Rod.

By BJ Eaglesfield