Kaden’s Monday Night Recap

The Philadelphia Eagles and Washington Redskins played the first game on Monday Night Football. Michael Vick and McCoy were like buddies and both played a good game. Michael Vick is a really good QB and McCoy is a really good RB.

RG3 (Robert Griffin III) and Alferd Morris are really good players but this year Griffin had some trouble with his arm and threw two interceptions. Morris started slow in the first half but had a good second half.

I think the Eagles are going to be a good team this year and they are fun to watch. The Eagles are starting out good by beating the Redskins and Griffin.

by Kaden Atkinson, age 7

Top 5 Sites For Youth Concussion Information

Parents and coaches are becoming increasingly concerned regarding the safety of our kids while on the playing field. Concussions in youth sports are a hot topic and everyone seems to be interested in learning more to improve the safety of youth sports.

With that in mind I did some research regarding youth sports and concussion information and these are the top five websites that I recommend to get your questions answered.

1.CDC- Heads Up Youth Sports Concussion – The actual URL is www.cdc.gov/concussioninyouthsports. I like this website because it offers printable fact sheets for athletes, parents and coaches. You can print them off and put them in your wallet or purse so you have something to refer to quickly in the event that the unthinkable happens.

2. Mom’s Team www.momsteam.com – This website has a whole page dedicated to youth concussions and they have been providing tips and research since 2000. Mom’s Team offers the latest in news and development regarding concussions and also has information regarding the best safety equipment to prevent concussions.

3. Mayo Clinicwww.mayoclinic.com – The links on this page will take you right to the concussion information, but you may have to do a little searching on this site to get the information you are looking for. The mayo clinic is typically on the leading edge of medical research which is why I listed this as another valuable site for information regarding concussions.

4. Live Strong www.livestrong.org– Another site with a lot information and valuable articles and tips. You have to go to the site and search concussion, but there is a multitude of information once you get to the right place.

5. USA Football www.usafootball.com – This site discusses the new concussion laws in all fifty states and gives you a break down of the particulars of the laws in your state.

For more information you can also start searching at the local level. Many youth sports programs are beginning to have trainings and informational sessions regarding concussion information. Please check back in with Mother and Son Sports as I will continue to update the site with the latest information on Concussions and how to keep our kids safe.

by Stacey Atkinson

Sports Tip Of The Week – Square Up

The other night I had the opportunity to watch fourth and fifth graders in a pick up basketball game during one of Kaden’s practices. As I was watching this intense game of four on four I noted that the majority of the kids were not squaring up to the basket when they shot the ball.

Squaring up to the basket means that the shoulders, arms, and feet must be aligned  or squared up to the direction of shooting. In simple terms you want to be facing the basket when you shoot.

During the scrimmage the majority of kids I saw were shying away from the defender and were sideways whey they were shooting. I also noted a lot of dribbling and shooting on the run, or what I like to refer to as chucking it up without a prayer. Squaring up is difficult to teach because in game situations kids tend to freeze up when they are actually being guarded and there is a tendency to throw fundamentals out of the door.

Work with you son and daughter on squaring up by standing in front of them so they get used to a defender and then make them square up for the shot. If you are playing one on one let them know you won’t block it if they square up. If they shoot sideways or on the run then go ahead and block their shot ( you know you want to) as a way of teaching them the correct moves.

Teach you son and daughter to square up and they will be well ahead of their peers and fundamentally sound.

Click on the Link below for another drill on squaring up:

Squaring Up

by Stacey Atkinson



As I was driving home from work the other day I was almost hit by a large piece of metal that flew off of the truck passing me. The metal piece missed my car by inches and I probably just avoided a pretty significant crash and the possibility of being injured.

The near miss got me thinking about inches. In the sports world inches matter. You always hear, they were inches from the first down, inches from catching the ball, being out of bounce, wining the race, scoring the touchdown, making the shot. In the end the difference between first and second place, or winning and losing usually comes down to a matter of inches. Which got me to thinking is all of the preparation worth it?  A inch here or there has such an impact, but that inch is seemingly so out of our control.

Coaches and players spend countless hours in preparation to control as many variables as possible on the playing field. Practice, preparation, pushing yourself, watching that extra game film, the list goes on an on. In the end we would like to think that the preparation and dedication is what got us that inch, but I have to wonder if at times it all boils down to the randomness in the world we live in.

What then is the ultimate lesson when thinking about inches? I think it all goes back to working hard, but also taking time to enjoy whatever sport it is that you (or your son or daughter) love. Realizing that in both sports and life their are a lot of things we can’t control. That doesn’t mean we all get a free lazy pass, as nothing in this world is accomplished by being lazy. An extra mile ran may give you the second you need at the finish line. An extra basket shot may be the difference between making the game winning shot at the end of the game. Prepare for all things you can control, but then take a minute to enjoy the moment and love the game. Because inches are a funny thing, they creep up on you when you least expect them. Like the metal flying at my windshield. A few more inches and maybe I’m no longer able to throw the football or shoot a basket or watch my son play sports anymore………………..

Winning is important but sometimes all it takes is an inch to put everything in perspective. Work hard – Prepare – Enjoy And Be Grateful For Every Moment.

by Stacey Atkinson



Mother and Son Sports will return September 4th, 2013! Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!