The Mouth Guard – Love It, Wear It!

Kaden is getting ready to start is second flag football season and I just found out that it is a requirement to have a mouth guard for this particular league. Sounds like a great idea to me and I am glad that this league is safety conscious.

I must admit that I never wore a mouth guard during my playing days so I had no idea where to start. I decided to do some research and am now bringing that research to you. No need to thank me, this is what I do :).

After an abundance of research I found that there are three types of mouth guards that you can choose from.

1. Custom mouth guard – made by a Dentist

2. Mouth formed “boil and bite” mouth guard

3. Ready made or stock mouth guard.

After speaking with some football moms and getting recommendations I decided to go with the “boil and bite” mouth guard. Going to a Dentist seemed like a little much since he is not in the NFL making millions yet and I found that the stock mouth guard can often be uncomfortable does not always fit well.

The boil and bite mouth guard was about $10 and came with simple instructions for boiling and fitting. Kaden didn’t have any problems with the fitting and I got another tip from my father in-law that you can cut a little bit off of the back of both sides to make it fit a little better. Also make sure to put the mouth guard in a secure container when it is not being used so is does not lose it’s shape or form.

A trip to the store and ten minutes of work isn’t much to ensure the safety of our youth on the field. Still think a mouth guard is pointless? Here are some articles (click on links below) that might change your mind.

If you have any thoughts on mouth guards or tips on the type of mouth guard that you prefer please feel free to comment below. Until text time, keep you teeth clean and safe – #wearamouthguard.

by Stacey Atkinson

Broncos No Longer Undefeated

The Denver Broncos were vs. the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday night and it was an exciting game. I had to go to bed at 9am so I didn’t see a lot of it, but I checked the score first thing Tuesday morning. The score was 39-33 Indianapolis Colts and it sounded like a close game.

I really liked when Peyton Manning came into the stadium and the Colts fans were excited to see him. It was cool that Peyton came to see his fans and play against the Colts.

I thought that the Broncos might have an undefeated season this year, but the Colts took care of that! I think both teams will make it to the playoffs and they will meet again!

by Kaden Atkinson, age 8

Sports Bucket List

Mother and Son Sports always attempts to publish original content, but every now and then we like to go with the crowd and be a little cliché’. Most people have seen or heard of the movie The Bucket List and have since created their own bucket lists starting a nationwide phenomenon. Here is my sports bucket list, some have already been checked off but I have a long way to go! I plan to sit down with Kaden and make our own bucket list once he gets a little older.

Notre Dame Football Game – Done

Detroit Lions Football Game – Done

Chicago Cubs Baseball Game – Done

Boston Red Sox Game

Boston Celtics Game

Attend the Olympics

NCAA Tournament Game

Chicago Bears Game

Duke Basketball Game

Green Bay Packers Game

What is your sports bucket list? How many do you have checked off?

by Stacey Atkinson

Kaden’s Thoughts – Broncos vs. Colts

This Sunday night the Denver Broncos are playing against the Indianapolis Colts. Peyton Manning used to play for the Colts and now he plays for the Broncos. The game will be at the Colts Stadium, Lucas Oil Field.

I think the Broncos are going to win because they have Peyton Manning. I think Peyton will throw seven touchdown passes. Andrew Luck will throw five touchdown passes.

I don’t think Peyton will be sad to go back to the Colts stadium because he is happy to be a Bronco.

by Kaden Atkinson, age 8

Halloween Candy – The Best, The Worst, The In-Between

Welcome to Mother and Son Sports 2013 Best, Worst and In-Between Halloween candy list! Below is what Kaden and I have determined as the good, decent and ugly when it comes to Candy. Sources will also listed in terms of surveys on what the rest of America thinks. So get your Kit Kats, and popcorn balls and dig in!

Top Five:

1. Kit Kats – The Kit Kat wins all and is our most favorite Halloween Candy! It also tops most of the other Halloween Candy sites I researched for this piece (of candy). I thought Kaden and I were original, guess not :(.

2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – You really can’t beat a chocolate peanut butter combination and the peanut butter cup is just that. My preference – stick them in the fridge for 20-30 minutes and then take them out and eat them. You can also eat one at a time if you are feeling guilty about the days calorie count.

3. Jolly Ranchers – Kaden and I will eat jolly ranchers all day long, which is why I have to hide them from him and myself. How does one hide some from one’s self you ask? Basically put them in a place that I can’t see them, out of sight out of mind, kind of! Also, watch out for your fillings, do not bit or chew on the jolly rancher!

4.Sour Patch Kids – This would be Kaden’s favorite, he loves that sour taste and therefore loves sour patch kids! I do have to say that I don’t know if we have ever gotten a bag of sour patch kids, but I will be paying attention this year!

5. Snickers – Classic Snickers, still one of my favs! I also like to put those in the fridge, ok let’s face it I like to put all chocolate candy in the fridge :).


1. Smarties – Smarties are a block favorite to pass out so we get a lot of them. Not my favorite, but one you open them up and start eating them they are not half bad!

2. Three Musketeers – Such a weird candy bar, nothing super exciting in the middle but still decent. It gets a ehhhh it’s still in the bowel and better then some of the worst candies.

3. Hershey Bar – Again nothing all that exciting, but it’s nice to get a few of the large Hershey bars. You can split them out and make them last quite a while for a snack.

4. Twix – The caramel definitely increases the value of a Twix bar and they are another one of those candy bars that you don’t automatically think about but if it’s in the bag you are going to eat it.

5. Tootsie Rolls – I am inclined to put this one as one of the worst Halloween candies, but as I stated in a previous article once I start out on the tootsie rolls I can’t stop. I usually eat all of the other candy first so the bowl is typically left with 10=20 tootsie rolls which can be finished off in one sitting!

Worst Candy –

1. No Candy At All – People that don’t pass out candy at Halloween and have their front porch lights off, there is nothing worse then not getting any candy :).

2. Pseudo Candy – Passing out pencils, weird quarter machine toys, and stuffed animals. Yes one year Kaden actually got a stuffed animal! It’s a nice thought and it’s probably the safe route but it’s taking out all of the fun! I’ll take my chance on the Candy.

3. Candy Corn – Gross, gross, gross. Never understood it and it does not have a taste!

4. Apples – Again, no fun. Those parents that want their kids on a nutritious path 365 days a year are NOT on the trick or treat trail. For the rest of us, we know that life is about finding a middle ground, give our kids the candy.

5. Raisins- I don’t like it as a fruit, and I definitely don’t like it as a substitute for Halloween Candy!

What are some of your best, worst, and in-between candies? Have you ever gotten something really odd or spooky in your trick or treat bag? Is there a house that you avoid on Halloween? Mother and Son Sports would love to know!

Check back in for more Halloween delight!

by Stacey Atkinson