Raiders Flag Football vs. Raiders NFL

This article is about my flag football team the Raiders and how we are better than the Raider Football 009NFL team The Raiders!

My flag football team the Raiders are 4-2, but the NFL Raiders are 3-5 and I think our team is a lot better than their team.

I have scored three touchdowns this year already. Another wide receiver/running back on our team (Cam) is really fast and has scored a lot of touchdowns. We have a great QB named Brice and he has thrown a lot of touchdowns.Raider Football 017

Everyone on my team has a lot of fun and we all work really hard. This is why I think our flag football Raider team is better than the NFL Raiders.

by Kaden Atkinson

Football Basics – The Line Of Scrimmage

A commonly used football term that might confuse you when you are first starting to watch the game is The Line Of Scrimmage. As I listen to the games I hear it referred to quite a bit by the broadcasters and I have also noticed that it is pretty important in Kaden’s flag football games. There are a lot of seven and eight year olds along with 38 and 40 year olds that don’t know what the line of scrimmage is! So without further ado Mother and Son Sports brings you the Line of Scrimmage.

The first step to understanding the line of scrimmage is to know that it is an invisible line. If you are watching your son or daughters football game there will be no actual line to refer to. Quick tip: When watching an NFL game on TV the blue line across your screen is the line of scrimmage, remember it’s not an actual line on the field, it is a digital line created by the techno masters of the universe. When the players line up they need to be in a parallel line behind the football. There is a line of scrimmage for both offense and defense and the space between those lines is called the neutral zone. In simple terms: Both teams line up, offense behind the ball, defense facing offense. Both teams must stand still until the ball is hiked.

When starting out in youth football the best tip you can tell your son or daughter is to make sure they are behind the ball! I see a lot of youth wandering around on the field after the play and not quite sure where they need to be. If they are somewhere behind the ball and doing their best to stand still (not an easy task for our youth) then they should be good to go!

Line up, stand still, and remember when watching the NFL the blue line is not real!

by Stacey Atkinson


Back To Sports

Mother and Son Sports would like to thank everyone for checking out the October Halloween Edition! We hope you enjoyed the site and the Halloween + Sports Talk!

Things will go back to normal starting Monday, November 4th.

As we continue with the blog be ready for more informational pieces regarding youth safety, concussion information, more poems (check out Old Hoop, and The Bench) by yours truly and of course more articles from Kaden!

by Stacey Atkinson


October Three One – Zombie Basketball

On this frightful day when the ghosts and goblins are out beware of the Zombie Basketball Player! Wandering around aimlessly, shooting baskets, throwing the no look pass, and dribbling off of his decaying foot. Muhahahahah Happy Halloween!

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The Bench

There is really no other way around it so I am just going to go ahead and say what penn high school 002everyone is thinking. Sitting on the bench sucks! As an athlete that really never had to sit the bench I completely admire and respect those that sat on the pine. Practicing and never getting to play is no easy task and those that endured deserve a shout out. Here are my thoughts on the bench.

Practice never Play. Wooden. Splinters. Character Builder. Leading the Cheers. Never Giving Up. Pushing the Best. Discouraged. A few seconds to shine. Playing your role. Team, team, team. More heart than the starters. Practice. Screams of the Coach. Stats man. Water. Warm ups never taken off. Spirit. Practice. Being part of something. Never giving up. Heart- Desire-Love of the Game- The Bench.

by Stacey Atkinson