Mr. Elmer was my fifth grade teacher and probably one of the first people that I really looked up to. He drove a yellow volkswagon bug, traveled during the summer, took his class to Mackinaw Island every year, and was just an all around cool guy. He also played football with us at recess, giving up his own time to chuck the ball around to a bunch of fourth and fifth grader’s. Per usual, I was the only girl that was playing football at recess, but that didn’t phase Mr. Elmer, he still let me play and he still threw it to me. That was huge for my confidence and I will always be grateful that I was allowed to play football with the boys, and Mr. Elmer. I have no idea if any former students have every thanked him for playing football with us at recess ( I am sure some have) so on behalf of all of us I would like to extend the thanks. Thank you Mr. Elmer and all teachers that go above and beyond for their students on a daily basis. You are needed and you are appreciated!